Infinite Possibilities to Teach and Learn

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Thinkling Learning Space is an easy to use and effective online teaching content aggregator and presentation platform for teachers and parents and an engaging learning environment for younger students.

Create content from scratch or from own existing teaching materials or simply drag and drop documents, photos, graphics or simply copy and paste URLs of relevant websites or streaming videos like YouTube or Vimeo.

  • Be 100% in charge of what content you include, who you share with or how you present.
  • Use your content for real-time presentation and team collaboration or use it passively for students to use as a starting point for further research and study or otherwise as a homework assignment.
  • Use the built-in YouTube Cropper and include only a portion of any YouTube video that is relevant for your course or presentation. Whether you use the full length or a portion of a video no ads will appear at the beginning or during the video playback.
  • Turn your board into a zooming presentation
  • Keep your content private and share only with those you want or send a private link for collaborators to access.
  • Thinkling Learning Space platform is hosted on the cloud. You can securely access it online from anywhere using only a browser. No need to download and maintain any app or software.
  • Export your work as printable PDF if needed.